Thursday, March 31, 2011

My dad is a hero

My dad isn't an emotional guy.  He has a very dry sense of humor and never laughs at his own jokes (even though he's got the most hilarious one-liners you'll ever hear)!  I've seen him cry...3, maybe 4 times in his life.  And it's always stifled.

I've always been proud of my dad.  He's the one who taught me never to compromise my values and beliefs.  He taught me that it does no good to be popular if you're not right.  And humility is his greatest virtue.

My dad is a state representative in Indiana.  He spends Monday through Thursday in Indianapolis, busy with legislative session, committee meetings, and other political functions.  I was keeping my mom very informed on the baby issue, but because I don't like to bother him when he's in Indy, I didn't know how much he knew.  I hadn't realized how invested he was in this story.  Until today.

My mom called to tell me that a very important pro-life bill that I had talked to my dad about previously, passed the State House yesterday.  I was thrilled!  It was big news!  There are 60 House Republicans, and they expected to get close to 60, if that much.  She then proceeded to tell me that it passed with an overwhelming majority - far more votes than expected.  Then she told me why.

My mom had called him in tears earlier in the day to tell him that the baby was lost.  My dad, not being very emotional, consoled her the best he could, before running into the chambers for session.

Testimony on HB 1210 began.  As he was listening to all of the bill's opponents call pro-lifers "crazies," accusing them of not caring about the women in crisis situations, etc...all the usual nonsense, he was forming his testimony.  He had planned to go through the typical run-of-the mill facts about how basically everything they were saying was completely not true, it dawned on him that he had a very recent personal story to tell on this very topic.

He approached the podium, said he wouldn't be there long, and began to talk.  Except...he couldn't speak.  He got so choked up he had to step away from the podium.  Typically the chambers are noisy - people aren't listening to testimonies, they're having their own side conversations, papers are shuffling, and it's actually hard to hear the speaker.  But as soon as they noticed my dad's emotion, he told me you could have heard a pin drop - an anomaly in that room.

He continued by telling everyone that are not "crazies" and that he has a pro-life daughter in Maryland who offered to adopt an unwanted baby.  Then he proceeded, in tears, to tell the Indiana House of Representatives, that he lost a potential grandchild to abortion today.

The bill passed with 72 votes.  My dad is a hero.

**You can see my dad's speech here.  To avoid watching 2 hrs of the Indiana House of Representatives legislative session (though thrilling), fast-forward to 2:23:00.


  1. WOW. That is an incredible story, and major kudos to your dad. He is indeed a hero! I can't wait to get home and watch his testimony.

  2. Oh my gosh! He's a hero for all of us. I'm going to watch later tonight. Praise you Jesus for Nicole's dad!

  3. Nicole, I just told my DH this story~ What a wonderful father you have!!! I tried to watch it but at 2:23 some woman was talking-maybe I did it wrong. I am just so happy to know you!!

  4. I cried when Mary told me about this.
    Your dad IS a hero and I wish I could give him a big ole hug.

    May God bless him richly.

  5. We prayed yesterday for mercy and today we were blesses with his mercy!!! Amen!!'

  6. I can't wait to meet him!! Amazing!

  7. Oh my gosh!!! What a great dad you have!! I am all choked up too.

  8. I guess you can say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Your dad is a very honorable person and very bless to have you as his daughter. We will keep him in our prayers!

  9. Tears immediately flowed down my face when I heard your dad. I'm in awe by that. Really. I think it is just amazing that he is in such an important position and that this all occurred at a time in which he could truly beg to pass this bill. Your dad is so precious. Made me want to hug him and say thank you, thank you!!

  10. I forgot...I hope you are doing ok sweetie. I'm thinking and praying for you and that teenager who I assume is going through hell right now.

  11. I just watched it! And cried along with him :(. What an amazing father you have...

  12. Your dad is a hero with the most beautiful daughter in the world. Next time you hug your Dad please include me in on the embrace.
    I am in awe!

  13. Of course we are so excited this bill passed today! But I had no idea about your dad. Amazing. :)

  14. What an amazing turn of events. I had tears in my eyes just reading your post. You can see God's hand in all of this. God bless your dad!

  15. Your dad is a hero. A true man. I love him.

  16. I will watch during nap time...

    Your Dad is awesome! And so are you...

    We are all serving God right where he has put us at this moment!


  17. He IS a hero! Thanks for sharing that.

  18. So proud of your dad! I am glad we have people like him representing Indiana!! I love my state!

  19. Hero of the best kind! Blessings on your family!

  20. Finally got to watch it! AWESOME!!!! Ask him if he wants meet us for lunch ;)

  21. Oh my goodness. My jaw is dropped on the floor. I didn't read your blog and had been praying for that soul of your baby to be spared from the emailed notes of a friend of mine. I didn't realize that your baby died. I'm so sorry. I can't believe that his (or her) martyred death made such a difference. I'm in shock. Prayer works (even if it's not the ending we always hope for). I will pray for your family's healing. I hope I make it to heaven with God's grace b/c I can't wait to give that little sweet baby a high five. Hugs and prayers from Washington D.C.
