Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I won't be marching this year

Today is tough for me.  January 22nd is a roller coaster of emotions every year.  Sad that we're yet again commemorating another million lives lost.  Yet hopeful and optimistic at the hundreds of thousands of others like me willing to brave travel and cold to stand up for the voiceless.

But this year is different because it's the first year in many that I won't be attending.  It has nothing to do with the weather (I actually love this stuff!).  It's just that it's too much and too long of a day, being 7 months pregnant, and having a toddler in tow.  Don't get me wrong - it's THE BEST reason to have to miss the march - EVER!!!  But it's bittersweet to only be able to participate via social media and EWTN.

I participated through 4 years of secondary infertility (at least one of those days I got CD1 on THE day of the March, which just seemed like a slap in the face!).  I participated 2 months after a miscarriage.  So yes, this year is a much better reason to not be participating, and I thank God daily (hourly...minutely) for this blessing!!  But I'm still sad not to be there.

If you've never been, please please please make it a point to go to one soon.  It's the most amazing experience.  But better yet, please pray and act that we may never need to have another March for Life ever again!!  41 years is quite long enough.

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